Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Music is My Life.

Let me share a quick story about how Pandora has effected my day.

I'm at student at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and as you may assume, it's pretty chilly out here. A boiler is out in our apartment and it's been about 55 degrees inside and about 12 degrees outside. This, along with the fact that final exams begin next week has kept me at the library for hours on end. I arrived at the library ready for a long night of paper writing and research and I automatically reached for my ipod. It was D.O.A.

If this same event would've occurred last year, before I knew about Pandora, I would've seriously considered trucking back through the snow in order to get a little music.

In case you are unfamiliar with the importance of music in college, let me fill in you in. If you don't have it with you at all times, you are vulnerable to the attacks of loud talkers. Say you are attempting to email a professor, and a slacker from your sociology class approaches you and wants to talk the quiz next week. You know he is only really interested in stealing your notes. Ahhh...What to do?! Well, if you have headphones, you can just hover them over your ears while he chats and eventually, unless he is completely oblivious to your body language, he SHOULD realize you are not interested in conversing.
Another way headphones and some good music can come in handy is for the chattering sorority chic who is deciding to explain to the entire quiet study room how drunk she was last night. If you really don't care to hear how she made the jungle juice or who won the beer pong tournament, just headphone it. I'm telling you, music is crucial in this scene.

I'm sure you can now understand why I'd walk back through the snow and up to the third floor of my freezing cold apartment to get my mp3 charger. NOW, I can just log on to and I know I'm going to get some great music for free. Just don't forget your headphones, or you will be trucking through the snow once again.

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